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The H1N1 Swine Flu Epidemic Treatment

Can the H1N1 swine flu epidemic treatment and prevention be so simple as taking a supplement?
In 2006, a scientific paper offered an inexpensive way to manage the current influenza outbreak. What if the solution for the H1N1 swine flu epidemic was as simple as this report suggested?

If this is true, for individuals in key positions in government, health care, law enforcement and management, there is a protection option. And especially the most important people in our lives, our children could be protected.

Those at greatest risk, the elderly, children and immunocompromised could be protected from the ravages of this disease.

What is the swine flu and what is the solution? There are things you can do beyond face masks and hand washing? These will be reviewed here.

The swine flu in the news is a highly contagious viral respiratory infection. Swine flu symptoms are similar to the seasonal influenza symptoms that many experience. Influenza (also known as the flu) is caused by flu viruses.

The physical indication of the disease are usually referred to as "flu-like symptoms." Swine flu can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. The flu usually comes on suddenly and may include these symptoms:

- Fever (usually high)
- Headache
- Extreme tiredness
- Dry cough
- Sore throat
- Runny or stuffy nose
- Lethargy
- Muscle aches
- Lack of appetite

Stomach symptoms: nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea (more often in children than adults)

How can I know If I have become the latest be a part of the H1N1 swine flu epidemic?

It probably is the flu if you have sudden onset of the above symptoms and it is the flu season. However, other respiratory diseases and illnesses can have the same or similar symptoms.

Only a doctor can tell if you have the flu and then only by the use of medical tests. To actually be diagnosed with or confirm a diagnosis of swine flu requires laboratory testing by obtaining a nose and/or throat swab.

In all cases, if you are sick more than 6 days, you should see the doctor right away.

  © Mirza Rais 2009

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